How to clean a woollen rug?
As the saying goes - there is no cold as memorable as that of a Delhi winter. North Indian winters are notorious for being difficult to bear, but the good news is that the worst of the cold only lasts a few weeks. As intense as these weeks are, the season delivers great potential for a home decor refresh. This is a time to slow down and invest in fluffy, warm fabrics that bring comfort and warmth to your daily routine. One way to do so is to switch out light summer carpets for carpets made of rich, dense fabrics like silk and wool.
Some of our readers may wonder how easy it is to care for carpets made of wool, given that the delicate fibre is notorious for being fragile and difficult to wash. One risk of wool carpets is shedding, where small sections of fabric dislodge from woven threads, especially in the first 3 to 6 months of a carpet’s life. To combat this, our carpets are woven using long fibres that reduce the risk of shedding. Most wool carpets are also crafted from yarn that blends wool with other natural fibres like cotton to create a durable carpet.

No matter how we formulate our yarn, all carpets are subject to wear and tear - that’s simply the nature of living with decor. If you’ve been thinking about how to show your winter carpets a little bit of love and care, then you’ve reached the right place. We spoke to our specialists about the best ways to care for woollen rugs and carpets, and we’ve compiled them for you in three easy-to-follow sections.
1. Prevent and Deter
The primary issue for most carpet owners is controlling dust, dirt, and damage. These issues build up over time, which is why we recommend that you start your carpet care routine by ensuring that sources of dust and dirt are limited. This can be achieved by using air purifiers to reduce harmful particles in the air and limiting the use of shoes around your carpets. We understand that these recommendations also bring about a lifestyle change, but we promise it's worth doing for the longevity of your carpet. We also recommend avoiding deep indentations of furniture on the surface of your carpet by rotating the surface periodically. This will keep the natural spring of the fabric, reducing the risk of permanent damage.
2. Maintain
The second step for happy-looking carpets is maintenance. Even if you follow our preventative recommendations, daily to weekly exposure to the elements will result in wear and tear. Instead, we recommend you begin cleaning with bristle brushes, going over the surface of the carpet to loosen up dust and dirt. Next, use a vacuum to hoover up any excess carpet fibres that are shed naturally, as well as dust, dirt and any other particles caught between the weave. These steps will ensure that particles don’t get compacted between the threads, and are especially useful for lighter-coloured carpets, where the hues can darken with exposure to dust.
3. Emergency Cleaning
This is the most important step when it comes to keeping carpets clean: always attack offending spills and stains. Accidents will occur — there’s no avoiding the inevitable. That is why we want you to be prepared with a response to every incident. Spots, spills, and stains can come from many different sources, but the key is to approach them gently. Always start by removing as much of the offender as you can, especially if the spill involves a solid, and blot away liquids instead of rubbing them into the carpet. Never rub or brush a stain, especially if the surface is wet, as this will cause the threads to weaken and fray. Once you’ve removed what you can, you must begin spot treatment, working from the outside in. You can use a damp cloth to soak up the remainder of the spot treatment, but never leave your carpet wet, as this will leave a mark on the surface.
For more specific information about spot treatment solutions and treatment procedures for specific spills and stains, do visit If you’re interested in exploring our collection of carpets, visit us online or in person at our flagship locations pan-India.